Why All the Local Shop Owner Need a Business Domain Address

Here you will learn why domain address and a website so important for your local shop business. As your name and brand is so important for local people around your shop same goes to online users. Just take an example of Google, so many users are seraching for products, service, brand and lots of other things as well.

So if you do not have a website then you losing lots of customers who might look for your services or products. I have explained in details below, where to start, how it takes and how to grow your brand and business.

Comparison between offline and online.

We all know that all business number of sales percentage have moved from offline to online, if you take any brand business they are making more sales online then offline, why is that, because people orders online from their comfortable home and business owners delivers that.

People have more choices online then offline, they can go to plenty of stores sitting from home and choose from varieties of products and services.

According to online retail sales rearch around £52.25bn, so from here you can imagine and give importance to online branding and marketing.

Facebook Targeting

Let us just show an example of facebook marketing target how big audience it is so you target your customers to promote your product or services, the below target is around our address from facebook business ads


Just targeted East Ham(10mi) and got 1.2m people potential reach, and targeted for mobile phone repair only. Interesting part of facebook marketing is that just targeted to those people who are using mobile phones only. You can target plenty of millions of customers through facebook. We will provide facebook trainings in coming future.

Google Adwords

Same goes to Google Adwords, if you do not have a website you can not do Google Adwords. Through Adwords you will get quality and desire customers coming to your website which might turn into sales or long term customers.

Thousands of customers will be go to your competitors cause they have developed their website, they have started Google Adwords to get quality customers, they are also doing facebook marketing and many more because they have an online platform to promote there products and services.

Local Customers Is Your Asset

With your website you can collect leads of your local customers and create a database online and later on you can promote them any brand new services or products coming up.

The way we collect leads, for example visit this page Become Courier Agent, a simple form of name and email address, we collect to build our own client database so we can communicate with them through an email auto-responder.

The same form you can build up and collect leads to promote or communicate with them for further information about products and services.

Local Shop Search Engine Benefits

Google, Bing and yahoo gives more priority to Local Shop business website to show their products and services in search engine.

For example if your local customer search for your products or services Google will priorities your website more then any other website and show at the top, because Google algorithm understand that the person who is searching is near by your shop, so Google algorithm thinks that this person will get more help from you as he stays locally.

That means without domain and website this local search engine benefits will not help at all, may be hundreds or even thousands customers going to the competitors and growing their business.

We have lots of clients we are doing good and profitable sales just from this local search engine algorithm benefits.

Customers are mostly online

Now a days we all know that how mobile phones have shifted business from offline to online, anywhere you look around you will notice people are browsing through website like facebook, youtube, twitter and other websites too. What does this means, this customers likes more to be online then offline.

Without a website there is no way to communicate or inform this online customers about any products or services, so plenty of customer moving away to different services. Once you have a website there is a chance to tap into this online customers and bring them to know more about your services or products and convert them into sales.

Basically you have to do what your competitors are doing or be ahead from them to grow your brand and business.

Cost and Process of Website Developing

1. You need a domain name, for example www.yourdomainname.co.uk, you can buy it from Godaddy for $1(search for a coupon code online) or more on yearly basis. Make sure your business name should show in the domain so its easy for the customers to remember your domain name.

Make sure you buy “.co.uk” (for UK) not “.com”(for Global), it is very important for search engine algorithm.

2. Buy the email address from Godaddy because their mail hosting is very good compare to other hosting providers, it is very cheap(from £2.99/m), easy to access and manage. Your emails will be like this “info@yourdomain.co.uk”.

3. You need a web host where you have to host website files and other things.

a. Hostgator

In hostgator 9000000 websites are hosted and they are happy with their services and products. That is we recommend this hositing company to host your website as there team is very high skilled and professional, whenever you are in problem you can contact them and they will help you.

The starting package is for $4.86/m (Single Domain, One Click Installs, Unmetered Bandwidth, Shared SSL Certificate). Make sure you first buy the domain from Google or 123reg.co.uk and change your nameserver to hostgator server.

Use this coupon code “parcel25off” to get 25% discount.

b. Hostthenprofit

We highly recommend this hosting company because not only you will get hosting but also more products are added to it compare to others companies, here is what you will get.

4 Domain Hosting, (you host up to 4 domains)
Email Autoresponder, (send email marketing to your customers)
Easy Video Producer(Video Hosting), (make a quick video and upload it)
Online Conference Room

Or click here to try it for $1.

Will be updating more hosting comparison, but i think this two hosting companies are best to start with it.

4. Now the real technical parts come, now need to develop the website, there is two option you can choose.

A. We will help you to develop your website, we will develop 5 page website for you, where we need some information about your business to help us on developiong the website.

You have to purchase the domain & hosting by yourself, provide us the login details and we will develop the website and host to your hosting company.

Our price developing price is £59.

B. Second option is that you can visit “fiverr” and get developed your website from any user. Before ordering for website development please do check their rating and review.

The more review is the better quality, if you have question ask them before purchasing.

On summary this is the process and cost of buying domain, hosting and developing your website.

Get your website done as soon as possible, from your website only you can get new customers out of your range local customers.

This full process takes maximum 7 days to complete, so why to lose opportunity in building new loyal customers.

Any question regarding this please do contact us and we are happy to help you.